All rights of this site (“Site”) belong to GoWater Watersports BEVERAGES (“GoWater Watersports”). The use of the Site by Users and Members is subject to the following terms and conditions. Please read the following Site Terms of Use (“Terms of Use”) carefully before using the Site.

I. Description
Subscription to the Site is subject to your acceptance of the following conditions. Use of the Site means that you accept these terms. Changing the services, products, ideas and works of art, including the Terms of Use, offered within the scope of GoWater Watersports, the Site and the Site extension, any information and data presented on the Site, without the need for any prior warning or notice, Suspending the site publication, Site publication completely reserves the right to stop and reorganize the Site to the widest extent. Changes to be made by GoWater Watersports on the Site Terms of Use come into effect upon their publication on the Site, and these changes are deemed to have been accepted by the user by entering, accessing or using the Site. Real or legal persons who fill out the membership form on the Site completely and whose membership is approved by GoWater Watersports are considered as "MEMBERS". It is mandatory to be at least 18 years old for membership. Legal entities can only apply for membership through their legal representatives.

All members and visitors ("User") who log in to, visit, use, access and/or connect to the Site in any other way ("User") agree in advance that they will abide by the GoWater Watersports Web Site Terms of Use set out on this page. declare, accept and undertake. The above-mentioned "User" refers to any person who logs into the Site or in any way, uses the Site, examines the Site, or is connected to the Site through any communication device (such as mobile phone, computer) or in electronic data exchange over the Site. means any person who has been or is present.

II. Service Content
GoWater Watersports's service on the Site; The products offered for sale on the GoWater Watersports online shop; It is the delivery of the goods to the customer by the cargo company without any defects and damage, within the promised time, after the price is paid by the member, provided that the stock status of GoWater Watersports is appropriate.

III. General Terms and Conditions
GoWater Watersports constantly checks the accuracy and timeliness of the information available on the Site. However, it should be observed by Members and Users that this information may not always be up to date.
GoWater Watersports has the right to cancel the membership, if it wishes, without giving any reason.

All intellectual property rights of the Site (information, texts, pictures, brands, slogans and other signs, page layout, etc.) on the site are exclusively owned by GoWater Watersports. Partial or complete copying, modification, publishing, sending, distribution and sale of the intellectual property presented on the site by using online or other media will be clearly and unequivocally against the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Selling Works and will be subject to civil and criminal sanctions.

The member is obliged to use the credit card securely. GoWater Watersports is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may arise due to breach of contract, tort, or other reasons.

GoWater Watersports may terminate, partially or completely transfer this agreement without notice, at any time. The transfer of the contract by the user or member is void.

GoWater Watersports has the right to remove the Site from publication and change its content due to force majeure or entirely at its own discretion and evaluation.

Users and Members are obliged to act in accordance with general morality and decency, all applicable national and international laws and regulations, communication and internet security while using the Site. All kinds of expressions, comments, texts, pictures, images and other information and documents that users will add to the Site must be in content and form in accordance with general morality and decency and relevant national and international legislation.

All kinds of acts and actions that may cause damage to the software and hardware systems of the site, negatively affect its operation or cause it to slow down are prohibited. The scope of the aforementioned prohibition also includes making multiple inquiries or opening membership registrations using automatic programs or software, or sending a large number of requests or information to the Site through automatic methods.

Members accept, declare and undertake that the passwords given to them are exclusively given to them, that they will not share these passwords with others under any circumstances, otherwise they will be responsible for any damages and losses that may arise. GoWater Watersports is not responsible for determining the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the member while applying for membership. Loss due to incorrect membership information

GoWater Watersports has no legal responsibility for the mistakes.

GoWater Watersports reserves the right to take all kinds of security measures, including blocking access to the Site and canceling the membership of Users who act in violation of the Site Terms of Use and the rules mentioned above, and to take legal action against violators, if necessary.

Including, but not limited to, any kind of computer viruses, trojans and similar malicious software (malware) that may be exposed due to the use of the Site, the use of data and information presented and provided on the Site, the behavior made on the basis of this data and information, or access to the Site, GoWater Watersports has no legal or penal responsibility for any and all direct and indirect damages, losses, damages and/or losses that Users, Members or other third parties may suffer for any reason. Users accept, declare and undertake in advance that they will not make any claims or claims under any name from GoWater Watersports due to the above-mentioned damages.

Disputes arising from this "WEBSITE TERMS OF USE AND MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT" are subject to Turkish Law and Istanbul Central Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized.